Friday, June 29, 2007

Leading Edge Cash Has Great Marketing Materials

Leading Edge Cash Free Websites

Of course there is even more ways to make money with Leading Edge Cash than just promoting its outstanding products.

We have given all our affiliates the ability to make money from people they introduce to the program. By recruiting people to become affiliates, you get paid 5% of the total sale price on every commission earned by each of one of them. Imagine having 10 productive affiliates in your downline making you a few hundred dolars for you each and every month, at no cost! Talk about easy money.

10 Intriguing Ways To Propel Your Online Sales

Today’s feature article is: By Edwin Ethan Hopper1. Add extra subjects to your web site. Most freead sites only allow you to submit your web site toone category. This’ll allow you to submit it to many.
2. Increase the perceived value of your product bymaking your offer scarce. You could use limitedtime bonuses, low prices, low quantities, etc.
3. Find out your competitions’ weakness and use itas your “Unique Selling Proposition”. It’s the reasonwhy people buy your products and not theirs.
4. Sell your products or services to a specific nichemarket. For example, instead of selling your fishingbook to all fisherman, target it toward fly fisherman.
5. Test your advertising and marketing. You’ll savetime, money and big headaches promoting the rightoffer to the right group of people.
6. Persuade visitors to buy your product by tellingthem the future. Tell them what’ll happen with theirlife in the future if they buy or don’t buy.
7. Offer a free trial of your product for a set periodof time. Don’t charge or bill them until they decidedto buy it. This’ll take away any risk they have.
8. Create other web sites that draw your initial targetaudience. Then you can lead your prospects to yourmain web site by linking to your other web sites.
9. Inform people about your site or freebie throughe-mail announce lists. You can find them by typing“e-mail announce lists” in any search engine.
10. Tell your visitors what they can avoid by buyingyour product or service will motivate them to buy.They may want to avoid pain, fear, danger, etc.
Quote of the Day:
“To help the young soul, to add energy, inspire hope, andblow the coals into a useful flame; to redeem defeat by newthought and firm action, this, though not easy, is the workof divine man.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
Warm regards,
Ed Hopper
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